1100 metres
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Karting Track 1100 metres
This track is composed by the 700 metres and 450 metres tracks. Come to Speedkart all Friday (outside school holidays) and participate in our events (Season’s Trophies, Endurance Grand Prix with your team). Total length: 1100-metres. Enjoy advantages of this track, an ideal compromise to offer you an unforgettable race for 1, 6 or 12 hours. Differents parts, technical or more physical to encourage your qualities as drivers.
With a total length of 1100 meters, it combines all the advantages offered by the “Adults” and circuits. “Children”, to offer an ideal compromise necessary for endurance events, whether they are one hour, 6 hours or 12 hours. This circuit is made up of a technical and physical part that highlights everyone’s riding skills as well as long straight lines, allowing you to relax and catch your breath before the next difficulties.

The large curve of the “adults” circuit here becomes a 90° turn whose particularity is to follow the impressive straight line that precedes it. Big braking so in perspective that it is possible, for the most skilful, to delay in support until the apex. We then find the constraint when exiting the bend. It is therefore necessary to stay on the inside side in order to continue effectively with turn 2.

Tight hairpin bend which precedes a long straight line of 120 meters. It needs to be well approached at the entrance, in order to condition a good speed at the exit. The trajectory must therefore be optimized: well outside on entry without having braked, but without accelerating either, then well outside on exit, passing of course by the vibrator (or even on the vibrator !!!) at the apex where the re-acceleration is done as soon as possible. To do this, you must not be too wide out of turn 1, otherwise it is impossible to enter this left correctly.

This curve to the right with a very wide open angle is negotiated very quickly, sometimes without even releasing the accelerator. It is then a question of widening its trajectory as much as possible, by looking for the outside when entering and exiting a turn, tangent as it should be against the inner curb. Be careful not to stay too long outside on the exit, since the “false” straight line that follows “bends” on the right.

Big delicate braking since in support to approach, which is in fact a double left. A very light left without difficulty gives the signal for braking, which must be done as straight as possible over about fifteen meters. Then comes the main left, whose almost 90° angle allows entry to the middle of the track and re-acceleration before the apex, on the condition of widening on the exit. Trap to avoid: slipping or ending up spinning by arriving too quickly or re-accelerating too soon. Finally, when you arrive at the exit point, you should immediately cross the track from the left side to the right side to ideally position yourself at the entrance to the following right (turn 5).

Almost comparable to a curve, this straight line precedes a straight line of 100m. It is therefore necessary to get out of it at a good pace to properly condition your speed in the straight line. For this, we follow a classic exterior / interior / exterior trajectory, contenting ourselves with relieving the accelerator pedal for a moment at the turning point. The only notable difficulty: having placed yourself on the right side of the track on the entry to the corner, when you just have time to do so, the short distance between turns 4 and 5 requires.

In this very tight right hairpin, especially on the exit, you will not try to exit very quickly since the following turn (turn 7) parallel to this turn 6 occurs almost immediately. It is however possible to brake late on entry, of course on the outside, since braking can be done well in line in the extension of the straight line which precedes. Registration is then done as late as possible. Objective: if we can therefore optimize the pace on entry, it is above all a question of being as clean as possible on exit where, if you have to look outside, it is very easy to exit too wide (overspeed on entry or re-acceleration too sharp). And there, it is the rhythm of the sequence with turn 7 and the pit straight that suffers.

The last corner of this circuit, a left at 90°, does not pose any difficulty by itself. The outside exit from turn 6 corresponding to an inside entry into this turn 7; we will not try to shift to the right to enter it. No need to brake when entering almost directly on the curb, from which you let the kart “go” outwards on the way out to condition a good top speed in the 90m from the pit straight.
TURN 9 and 10

These 2 turns form a left / right in “S”, whose angle is very open. It is therefore possible to negotiate them without slowing down, by tangent on the 2 apexes, after entering well outside on the left and before exiting well outside on the right. While being very beneficial in this sequence, a high rate of passage also conditions an effective passage in the following difficulty (turn 11).

A real attraction of this circuit, this curve to the right raised over nearly 120 meters offers extraordinary sensations. This “banking” can be negotiated without letting go of the accelerator, but, to be effective, the trajectory must be “licked”: entry neither too early nor too late outside, so at the very top of the track; an apex that needs to be picked up relatively late and over a good distance; and an exit that is not quite to the outside in order to better position yourself for the following line. Note that due to steering wheel steering over a long distance in the second part of this curve, the speed naturally decreases.
TURN 12 and 13

We find a left / right in “S”, but quite different from the first mentioned (turns 9 and 10), since this one is very tight, very marked and therefore very slow. The approach from the left is done on a short, but strong braking, more or less in support to get a turning point as late as possible before recovering the inside rope. It is then a question of sacrificing the exit of this left, slightly uphill, staying inside. Well placed to enter by gradually re-accelerating into the next straight and exiting as it should be well outside, we then obtain the best possible speed in the very long straight that follows.